biotraxx raumvital harmonization products
Harmonise & Balance Home Energy and all your devices
raumvital home harmonization set
ESMOG Protection
WATER Vitalization
BODY Energizing
has a balancing effect on the inner balance of body, soul and spirit.
CAR & TRUCK Harmonization
What Is energy Harmonization?
The body is an energy system. Modern sciences researched that everything vibrates with a certain frequency like a information pattern.
In Harmonization process our devices are sending out balancing information pattern to all kind of creatures which effects in positiv matter to the whole physical and mental body.
Who Is Harmonization for ?
Harmonization can be used in many different ways,
Raumvital has specialised in developing balancing information patterns especially in the area of electrosmog, geoapathic disorders as well as for drinking water and food.
What is the raumvital Home & Building Harmonization Set?
A healthy living space is geopathically undisturbed, and ideally corresponding to a natural place of power. The raumvital Home Harmonization Set balances five essential disturbance zones in the house and creates a room field of high order.
1. ESMOG POLARISATOR: energy fields through the 50 Hz Home technology
neutralize the scalar field potential of 50 Hertz – AC field of domestic electrical installation. The ceramic chip with the neutralizing information field is placed at the fuses of the electrical house installation.
2. VITALFIELD CRYSTAL: radio frequency energy fields
neutralize the biological effect of technically generated high-frequency radiation (eg mobile). The information chip is inserted in the center of the residential building.
3. SAFER HOME: geopathic areas of irritation
neutralize the biological effect of geopathogenic areas of irritation (eg water veins, quarries). The information chip is inserted in the center of the residential building.
4. STATICS/STEEL: DC field interference from metal structures and welded steel mesh
neutralize biological active forces from the static construction. The information field neutralized distortions of the geomagnetic field by reinforcing steel mesh and steel structures. The ceramic chip with the neutralizing information field is used in the center of the residential building.
5. CLEAN AIR: bioenergetic effects of plastics and fuel oil
increases the order of the room air as a system. The information field to neutralize the biologically harmful effects of plastics in the living room. The ceramic chip with the neutralizing information field is used in the center of the apartment building.

the SAFER CALL information field reduces the stress levels of the organism to improve the order of the radio signals by using mobile phones (cell phones).
13,90 €

protects you especially with the use of WLAN networks, because the 10-Hertz pulse frequency radios in the middle of the field of biological brain processes.
29,80 €

Vitalfield Crystal
neutralize the biological effect of technically generated high-frequency radiation (eg mobile). The information chip is inserted in the center of the residential building.
95,00 €
About Raumvital
Paul Sommer, graduate engineer from Germany, has managed in years of research the transforming of imbalance, mismatches and disorders, caused to us by today’s technical living environment, in resonance with our natural vibration and in health.
In this way the living or working space becomes a place of power. The stress load caused by environmental influences decreases and vitality increases.
After Paul retired, Fair Medicals Wellness Products Ltd. took over the production and further development of Paul Sommer Raumvital products.
We are pleased to be able to offer these awsome products worldwide to you.
What does Raumvital mean?
The German word “Raum” means “room” or “space” in English. The meaning of “Raumvital” is equal to “vitality in a room”.
“Dear Mr. Sommer, I would like to thank you very much for your friendly and competent advice when purchasing your unique products. The quality of life of my family has become a completely different one. For example Insomnia and inner restlessness (in my wife’s case) are gone after only a few Weeks disappeared.
Completely unexpected for me is that I am now much safer behind the wheel and my car (Golf 5, with your chip “Auto-Information”) about 1L.Diesel per 100km driving distance
can be saved. Special thanks from my wife Elena, for the PURquell VITAL STONE. Your permanent fatigue is gone!
Many healthy years…” (A. Butakov, Wiesbaden, Germany)
“Dear Mr. Sommer, for years we researched the topics of electrosmog and environment harmonization. We are distributing Raumvital Safer Call and Safer Comp products.
Your room harmonization modules are ideally suited to create a real quality of life. Gratefully we use them at our private home, too. We wish you continued success on
your way to create a harmonised environment with your products. With kind regards from Tyrol” (IVD, Austria)
“The use of your Raumvital chips in the office with currently 8 laptops plus 8 mobile phone and 6 office desk cell phones, as well as wireless printers, etc…is for electro sensitive people like us simply vital. Higher efficiency, less aggression, more relaxation.” (Michael Billmann (ND) Naturopathic Health Care Office Singapore.